I bought my '46 TC (TC1015; XPAG 1650) in 2002 on the Techno Classica in Essen, Germany. It was in a reasonably state, but the engine, wiring and suspension needed serious attention. I enjoyed the car in the summer of 2002, but the engine was smoking (after idling), but to my surprise did not use oil and had good compression.

After dismantling the engine there seemed to be a serious problem on piston no.4 (see picture) and from the upper piston ring 2/3 had disapeared and left the engine by way of the exhaust valve. In 3 winters I overhauled the engine (with 20+ pistons, improved profile camshaft, bigger valves, leadfree conversion and lighter flywheel) and fitted an new wiring loom (in 2002), renewed the brakes (in 2003) and overhauled the front suspension and shock absorbers, fitted a 5-speed gearbox (Ford Sierra N9) and a Datsun steering box (in 2004).

It now is a very good drivable car with sharp handling and 4000 rpm at 120 km/h. Since the summer of 2005 I tow a folding-tent to enjoy our holidays.

Ferrie Meijers